lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011


My favorite series is El Barco. The series is about this: 
Because of an accident in Geneva (Switzerland) during the launch of the particle accelerator, the earth is destroyed and disappears. The crew and ship-school students are at the Estrella Polar ship for the disaster but they survive. Isolated and aware that only have each other, the ship is their only home. In that boat pass many adventures.
Every thursday I watch the series on Antena 3.


My favorite actor is Taylor Lautner. He got his big break when he was cast as Jacob Blac in The Twilight Saga (La saga Crepusculo) film series, beginning with the first film, Twilight (Crepusculo) in 2008. He returned for the following two movies, New Moon (Luna Nueva) in 2009 and Ecplipse (Ecplise) in 2010, and now, finally, in Breaking Dawn (Amanecer). 
He is very handsome and sympathethic. He is a brilliant actor!!



My best summer was in 2010. That year was the last year I could go to St.pere de riu, a summer house because when you have fourteen years you can't go there. I went to st. pere de riu for five years. There, there was a girl, Meritxell, and we were best friends. The instructors were very friendly and they made ​​us laugh a lot. The last day I cry a lot because I knew that I couldn't go back. But I spent a great time the ten days that I was with my friends for last time. Now, every summer I see my friends when they are in this summer house. I have good memories of this summer house and of my friends.


It's easy to laugh when all goes well. But one day reach all those problems that we know but we do not want to remember. Each of us know that we will be able to face these problems. This force can only be measured in person: being able to smile without anyone cause, being able to know how to lose without anyone get the victory, being able to move forward without anyone help. Simply look the other in the eye and not give them anything. Must be respected even if they do not respect us. And this is where it makes a difference on a personal level. Is to follow the course without it falling into the traps and help those who have fallen on them.
The most important is to live like you believe you have to do it. Nothing happens if you go against the current or look at you sideways when you wolk because your life is more important than a vision that is lost in ignorance to be one more.
Risking not always win, but at least there is hope, that is the last one is lost. You take a chance to think everything will be worth, because only those who live, fight for what they want.

PD: This text is a translation of a text in catalan, but the text is mine. In catalan:
És molt fàcil riure quan tot va bé. Però algun dia arribaran tots aquells problemes que ja sabem però no volem recordar. Cal saber afrontar-los i cada un de nosaltres sabem que serem capaços de fer-ho. Aquesta força només es mesura personalment, sent capaç de somriure sense tenir ningú que ho provoqui, sent capaç de saber perdre sense que ningú hagi obtingut la victòria, sent capaç de tirar endavant sense que ningú t’ajudi, simplement és mirar els altres als ulls i no donar-los res. Complir uns principis que ens fan ser diferents. Cal respectar encara que no sempre siguem respectats, i és aquí on es marca la diferència a nivell personal. És seguir el rumb sense deixar-se caure en les trampes i ajudar als que han caigut en elles.
El més important és viure com tu creguis que has de fer-ho i és igual si vas a contracorrent o et miren de reüll en passar, perquè és més important la teva vida que una mirada que es perd en la ignorància de ser un més.
Arriscant no sempre es guanya, però almenys si que hi ha l'esperança, que és l'últim que es perd. Arrisca't a tot el que creguis que valdrà la pena, perquè nomes aquells que viuen, lluiten per el que volen.


My hobby is volleyball. I love this sport. I start playing volleyball since six years ago. I have a volleyball team and every weekend we play with other teams. In my team are my friends. We train every wednesday and every friday. Every day I think that is one day less to play volleyball. When I play volley I feel fine, I disconnected all the problems of the day and I think of the good things of life.

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2011


One day in my life isn't very exciting. Every day I make the same. First I get up at quarter to seven. I brush my teeth, I comb my hair and I get dress. Then I have breakfast and I go to high school at eight o'clock. At half past one I go to home and I have lunch. At half past two I back to school and I finish at half past four. At the afternoon I do my homework. On wednesday and friday I go to play volleyball with my friends. Before dinner I have a shower. At nine o'clock I have dinner with my parents and I watch TV. I always read a book before bedtime. I go to bed at half past ten.


I can't win, I can't reign                                       No puc guanyar, no puc regnar  
I will never win this game                                   Mai guanyarè aquest joc
Without you, without you                                    Sense tu, sense tu
Iam lost, I am vain,                                              Estic perdut, sóc inútil,
I will never be the same                                     Mai seré el mateix  
Without you, without you                                    Sense tu, sense tu
I won't run, I won't fly                                           No puc córrer, no puc volar
I will never make it by                                         Mai ho aconseguiré
Without you, without you                                    Sense tu, sense tu
I can't rest, I can't fight                                        No puc descansar, no puc lluitar
All I need is you and I                                         Tot el que necessito és tu i jo
Without you                                                         Sense tu
Without you                                                         Sense tu
Without you                                                         Sense tu
Can't erase, so I'll take blame                          No es pot esborrar, així que admeto la culpa
But I can't accept that we're estranged               Però no puc acceptar que estiguem allunyats
Without you, without you                                   Sense tu, sense tu
I can't quit now, this can't be right                    No puc renunciar ara, això no estaria bé
I can't take one more sleepless night              No puc passar una nit més sense dormir
Without you, without you                                   Sense tu, sense tu
I won't soar, I won't climb                                   No podre remuntar, no podre escalar
If you're not here, I'm paralyzed                        Si no ets aquí, estic paralitzat
Without you, without you                                   Sense tu, sense tu
I can't look, I'm so blind                                     No puc mirar, estic tan cec
I lost my heart, I lost my mind                           He perdut el meu cor, he perdut la meva ment
Without you                                                        Sense tu
Without you Oh, oh, oh!                                    Sense tu Oh, oh, oh!
Without you                                                        Sense tu
I am lost, I am vain,                                           Estic perdut, sóc inútil,
I will never be the same                                   Mai seré el mateix
Without you, without you.                                 Sense tu, sense tu
Without you                                                       Sense tu.
Without you is one of my favorite songs because when I listen I feel good. The first time I heard the song was a day with a friend, we were doing a work, and she put it. I love this song because it makes me think, and I love to think.


This is my intelligence test. There are eight types of intelligences: word smart, number smart, people smart, myself smart, music smart, picture smart, nature smart and body smart.
I agree with the results. First, there are two types of intelligence are more important in my graphic: linguistic (word smart) and interpersonal (people smart). This is true because I love to write stories and I love stay with my friends. After there are kinaesthetic (body smart), intrapersonal (myself smart), visual/spatial (picture smart), musical (music smart) and naturalistic (nature smart). Finally there is logical (number smart). I don't like mathematics but I think are important to life.
Well, in this graphic I can see that my path to the future is the linguistic. I like this. Because I would like to be teacher or journalist.

miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2011


This year my challenge is to pass the course. After that I would like to continue to study, to go to batxillerat and to get to university. My dream is to become a teacher or a journalist, I am not sure. Some of the problems are to be able to finish the course. But the worst problem is not to find work after the course. I think there are few solutions. For example to ask the family for work, to look up in the newspaper or on internet and to make a good Curriculum Vital. But the least we can do i to work hard and try to do many tests and other thinds that I can use to find work more easily.



I chose the horse because I love this animal, but I have never ridden a horse and I would like to. This is my favourite animal. I like it because is very beautiful, intelligent and very loyal

We are both mammals and we have two ears, one nose and a mouth. We both live long like. The humans wear shoes and the horses wear shoes too!!!

The differences are: horses are herbivores, they have four legs and a long tail and hair. Humans have fingers and toes but horses have hooves.
I know two types of horses: horses wild and domesticated horses.

I feel more identified with the domesticated horses, because I'm small and I still depend on my parents, teachers ... But I would like to identify myself with a wild horse because they are free and idependent.