El far del sud - Sopa de cabra
La va trobar a una sala mig buida, He found her in a half empty room, buscant un somni, fugint del dolor, looking for a dream, escaping the pain, Entrant pels ulls va sentir mil espurnes, Entering for the eyes he heard a thousand sparks, Aquella història va canviar-li el món. That story change him the world. Va perdreu tot, la partida i la vida, He losed everything, the game and the life, Cada ciutat li esmicolava el cor, Each city broke his heart Només el far de sud ella es mira, She looks just the lighthouse of the south, Segueix la flama fins que res no es mou. Follow the flame until nothing moves. I empeny el sol tant bruna, tant forta i prohibida And she pushed the sun so dark, so strong and prohibited I es descorda la brusa, el seu cos un somriure viu. And she unbuttoned her blouse, her body alive a smile. Et donaria amor si poguessis tornar-me’n I would give you love if you can turn back Et donaria amor si ens poguéssim mirar I would give you love if we can look Et donaria el món si ens poguessis parlar-me I would give you the world if you can talk to me Ho donaria tot si et pogués estimar. I would give everything if I can love you. Tantes nits va pagar per tenir-la So many nights he had to pay for her. Tantes excuses per anar tot sol, So many excuses to go alone, Però cada cop amb un plor la perdia, But each time with a cry he lost her, La llum s´apaga quant la sort es pon. The light turns off when the luck goes down. I el seu record s´estima en ciutats adormides, And his record is estimated to sleeping cities, I somnia fins l´alba el seu far sense vida trist. And he sad dreams until dawn the lifeless lighthouse. Et donaria amor.... I would give you love... Tremolant poc a poc surt del cine, He trembling slowly comes out of the cinema, Sessió de nit avui ja és l´últim dia, Night session today is the last day, S´endú el cartell, arriba casa i l´espia, He take the poster, he comes home and he spies the poster, L´habitació es transforma en un mon nou. The room is transformed with a new world. I li escriu cent mil cartes, la busca i viatge, And he writes her a hundred thousand letters, he finds her and he travel I el seu centre s´escapa perd l´ordre i la casa. And his center escapes, he lost the order and the house. I apaga el sol tant bruna, tant forta i prohibida And she turns off the sun so dark, so strong and prohibited I es descorda la brusa, el seu cos un somriure viu And she unbuttoned her blouse, her body alive a smile.
This song is about a love platonic. A boy falls in love with an actress. He watches her film many times. He feels so sad without her.
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