viernes, 24 de febrero de 2012


I do this powerpoint with Paula Labrador and the powerpoint was about his grandfather.
Self- evaluation of the oral presentation:
Do you use any resources: powerpoint, video, images, sound, real material...? We use a powerpoint.

Are there just key words to explain your message? We put only the title each section.
Are you looking at your audience most of the time? I think so.
Are you reading occasionally from your notes? No, I didn't read but I have the paper in my hands.
Do you organize your ideas in order of importance (chronological order), with different parts? Yes, we organized the ideas in order of importance: his life, his family and other things.
Do you introduce new information to your audience? Yes, we explain the introduction and the conclusion.
Is your information detailed and comprehensible? I think that we chose the most important information and we used comprehensible words for our audience.
Do you give/show examples? In the powerpoint ww put some pictures about him and his family.
Do you know how to pronounce all your words? I know that I don't have a very good pronounciation but  I think for my level I pronounve well the words.
Dou you speak in a fluid continuum or with breaks and interruptions? I think that I speak fluid.
Final mark: 9
What have you done well ? What do you need to improve? I think we can improve our pronuntiation and other things. I get very nervous but I think when we're doing more oral presentations, I'll get used.

sábado, 4 de febrero de 2012


For this year I have a lot of resolutions. But the important resolutions are three:
1. I want to be better with my family and my friends. For get this goal I think that I have to spend more time with them.
2. I want to pass the course with all the subjects approved. For this I have to work a lot.
3. I want to go to run every day. I think it is good to keep your body in shape. For this I have to find a little moment of the day.